Galaxy Idle Clicker Wiki and Guides
Embark on an Epic Journey through Space

Black Hole Builds Progression Guide

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This GIC guide will focus on providing tips and builds for each specific point of the game based on the current Black Hole.pngBlack Hole travel completed. Black Hole points allocation, how far to push, what to do with prisoners, population or armies and other tips for each BH # for most efficient and fast progression.

You can visit Galaxy Idle Clicker Guides for other GIC Guides.

Pre Black Hole[edit | edit source]

Pre Black hole gameplay is pretty linear. Your main goal is to find a stage where you can reliably farm at least 90% of the enemies fast enough and stay there for the most duration of your run. Before prestiging try to push for the next Planet to get extra Light Year Points. Do Light Year.pngLight Year Travels every 3 Hours if you can and you will get to your first Black Hole in no time.

Black Hole 1[edit | edit source]

Recommended Black Matter Upgrades:

  • Free Junk

Black Hole 1 gameplay is pretty similar to pre black hole one, but now you can pick one of the upgrades that will help you out during this Black Hole run.

Getting Free Junk with your 1 Black Matter will be the only option and it will be a good start too.

Just grind through the Time Travels, try to push as far as you can and play Meteorite minigame as much as you can.

Black Hole 2[edit | edit source]

Recommended Black Matter Upgrades:

  • Keep Prisoners when travelling back in time

Black Hole 2 will allow you to pick several upgrades upon prestiging. With the limited amount of Black Matter at your disposal you will have to prioritize now.

Getting "Keep Prisoners when travelling back in time" will be the best option for black hole and will allow you to push through it way faster.

Somewhere around Black Hole 2 to Black Hole 3 you will start lacking Skill points to upgrade everything in your Skill Points.pngSkill Tree. If you are strong enough it's better to focus on Decrease Prisoners Pity, followed by Increment Base Stats and then Increase Items Drop Chance or Shield if you can afford it.

Black Hole 3[edit | edit source]

Recommended Black Matter Upgrades:

  • Keep Prisoners when travelling back in time
  • FreeJunk

Now with 3 Black Matter you can take both Keep Prisoners when Travelling back in time and FreeJunk. That will allow you to accumulate both of those resources as you do the Time Travel and speed up early game after the prestige quite a lot.

It's also possible to build your first army during this Black Hole run, but most likely it won't do much. Make sure not to spend all your prisoners for an army, do not spend more than 30% of your prisoners for that.

Black Hole 4[edit | edit source]

Recommended Black Matter Upgrades:

  • Keep Prisoners when Travelling back in time
  • FreeJunk
  • Keep your Levels when travelling back in time

There are couple of ways how you can distribute 4 Black Matter in Black Hole 4. My personal favorite is Keep Prisoners when Travelling back in time, FreeJunk and Keep your Levels when travelling back in time. It allows you to have constant high levels of important progression mechanics that will boost your Light Year points per Time Travel. Don't forget that you can reset your skill points after each Time Travel, so you can try different builds there.

During this Black Hole you will start building armies, since you unlocked 2 Decrement Army Conversion Requirements in Light Year Upgrades. Rule of thumb to creating armies is to avoid crippling your population growth. If the cost of creating an army is lower than 30% of your prisoners - go for it. Mostly focus on farming Garbage right now and work on your Damage and HP upgrades over there.

Another new thing is that you will get access to the Light Years Permanent Upgrades during this BH run. Right now, you will have Damage and HP upgrades available, and HP is more expensive than Damage. Just spread your saved up Light Years here before performing the Black Hole travel. They will stay with you even after the BH Prestige.

Black Hole 5[edit | edit source]

Recommended Black Matter Upgrades:

  • Keep Prisoners when Travelling back in time
  • QuadPrisoners

Now you have 5 Black Matter and things gets confusing here.
Best thing to do right now is to get Keep Prisoners when Travelling back in time and QuadPrisoners. It will allow you to keep prisoners between Light Year Prestige and get all 4 races each time prisoner is dropped, so you can speed up your growth with their upgrades and build way more armies this run.

Use Armies to get Colonization bonuses in order to speed up the game after the prestige, but make sure to save up at least 1 Army to keep the Garbage production going for permanent bonuses.

Black Hole 6[edit | edit source]

Recommended Black Matter Upgrades:

  • Keep Prisoners when Travelling back in time
  • QuadPrisoners
  • FreeJunk

With 6 Black Matter you get multiple options that you can go for.
Best thing to do right now is to get Keep Prisoners when Travelling back in time and QuadPrisoners as in the Black Hole 5 run, and you can put last Black Matter where do you see fit. Most common option is FreeJunk.

Use Armies to get Colonization bonuses again, but make sure to add some points to permanent Army upgrades as well, since those carry over through the Black Hole Travels.
It is possible to save enough armies to get Increment HP Regen permanent LY Upgrade for 50 armies if you will not colonize beyond Galaxy #1. This will speed up your progress in future Black Holes, but make is a bit more tedious doing Light Year Prestiges in this one. Decision is up to you.

Black Hole 6 will take significantly longer than previous Black holes, so start focusing on upgrades that will improve Light Year Points gain in this run in order to make it faster. Also Okropoyds upgrade that is unlocked when you max out a mech is pemanent and will carry over through Black Holes, meaning you will get a powerful multiplier with you, that you will be able to upgrade only closer to the end of the next Black Hole.

Somewhere around mid run of this black hole it will be more beneficial to spread Skill Points.pngSkill Points for more combat-oriented upgrades and ignore lowering Prisoner Pity to farm enemy waves faster.

Also I've managed to unlock all upgrades for Mech 3.pngMech #1 in this run, which will be a great help in the future, try to farm the areas which you need for the current next Mech upgrade. Turn off Auto Progression and Decrease Enemies for massive kills and faster Mech unlocks.

Black Hole 7[edit | edit source]

Recommended Black Matter Upgrades:

  • Keep Prisoners when Travelling back in time
  • QuadPrisoners
  • FreeJunk
  • Multiply your Damage & Hp by 100%

This time we have 7 Black Matter and it's a bit tricky to properly distribute it.
After you get your essentials: Keep Prisoners when Travelling back in time and QuadPrisoners you will have 2 points left. Those can go in many places depending on your playstyle and how active you are. If you are farming enemies from the furthest zones possible and pushing stages Multiply your Damage & Hp by 100% is a good option together with FreeJunk. If you are more of an idle player, who would like to prestige and let the game run itself getting Keep your Levels when travelling back in time can be a really good QOL for you, so all your Skill Points.pngSkill Points will be ready straight away and FreeJunk will help to get a head start at the later zones. Another option is Free Plasma that is more effective than Free Junk if you don't care about pushing or QOL too much.

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